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st pats

Marsh Madness success

St. Pats had yet another successful tournament out in Sandwich, Massachusetts, over the weekend of February 28th! The organization finished with a .500 record, going 18-18. Congrats to all of our champions!

Runners-up: 5th Grade Boys - Dean | 4th Grade Girls - Cronin | 7th Grade Girls - Barstow

Champions: 4th Grade Boys - Hambley | 5th Grade Girls - Guggino | 6th Grade Girls - Avigliano

wmcyo site

This site is primarily for news in the St. Pat's CYO Community, including our schedules and general information. For any league-related content, visit www.wmcyobasketball.com


@WinningCoaches (Twitter)

It's a Game!

We get it, the feeling of winning is great! Leave that to your athletes. It's the parent's job to cheer on their kids and their teammates. Leave the yelling communication with referees and the players to them! Let the players play, let the coaches coach, and let the officials officiate. 

Image provided by @WinningCoaches on X